Saturday 31 August 2013

Generate pdf file from web form and send email with pdf file

We can generate pdf file from web form with php library function. I do not explain here to perform with program.

Who have no knowledge about program but want to get web form and generate pdf file as well as send email with pdf. Logiform will help you to design web form with powerful function. You can set validation, dependency function without program.

I have seen Adobe FormCentral, zoho, Google form but not more function like logiform.  Google form is better as it is free.

Friday 30 August 2013

How to Submit PDF Form to Server Folder with PHP

I had to spend a lot of time to find the solution how we can submit pdf file from pdf form. Most of the web app developer cannot think without uploading file on web form. Actually both process totally different.


It is so simple code, but works perfectly. This code can capture submitted file from server end. Then you can handle easily. 

Tuesday 20 March 2012

How to convert .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .txt, web page...... to pdf

Converting any file which can be printed, to pdf is so much easy process. Most powerful application is Adobe Acrobat pro but it cost more, not convenient for all. You can use free pdf converter. Google search engine will help to find pdf converter. I suggest that doPDF works perfectly.

How to convert:
1. Install doPDF
2. Open desired file
3. Go to print option
4. Select doPDF as a printer
5. OK

Now pdf file converted. In the same way you can convert web page to pdf format.

pdf converting through online
You will get help Here. However, the major problem is that you cannot convert over 5MB file.
Here is another online pdf converter.


Md. Mehedee Rahman
You can send email Directly.